Amazon S3 Client

The :std/net/s3 library provides basic support for interfacing with Amazon S3 and compatible services.

Only HTTPS is currently supported

Creating a Client

The primary way to interact with S3 via this library is with the S3 interface.

To create an instance of an S3 client, use the S3Client constructor:

  endpoint: (endpoint "")
  access-key: (access-key (getenv "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" #f))
  secret-key: (secret-key (getenv "AWS_SECRET_KEY" #f))
  region: (region (getenv "AWS_DEFAULT_REGION" "us-east-1")))

If access-key or secret-key aren't passed in and cannot be retrieved from the environment (via AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_KEY respectively) a S3Error is raised.


The S3 interface has the following signature:

(interface S3
  (get-bucket (name :~ string?))
  (create-bucket! (name :~ string?))
  (delete-bucket! (name :~ string?))
  (bucket-exists? (name :~ string?))


(S3-get-bucket client bucket-name) -> S3Bucket

S3-get-bucket retrieves a S3Bucket instance by name. If the bucket does not exist, a S3Error is raised. Buckets are searched for in the service and region provided to S3Client's endpoint and region arguments.


(S3-create-bucket! client bucket-name) -> S3Bucket

S3-create-bucket! creates a new bucket in the service and region the client was instantiated with. If a bucket with the name already exists, a S3Error is raised indicating there was a conflict. If the bucket is successfully created, an instance of S3Bucket corresponding to the newly created bucket is returned.


(S3-delete-bucket! client bucket-name) -> void

S3-delete-bucket! attempts to delete a bucket with the given name. delete-bucket! is idempotent and will not error if the bucket does not exist.


(S3-bucket-exists? client bucket-name) -> bool

S3-bucket-exists? checks if a bucket with the provided name exists in the client's configured region and endpoint. It returns #t if a bucket exists and #f otherwise.


(S3-list-buckets client) -> list : S3Bucket

S3-list-buckets returns a list of all buckets available to the client as configured. If none are available, an empty list is returned. All buckets are instances of S3Bucket.


The S3Bucket interface provides a consistent way to interact with buckets.

(interface S3Bucket
  (get  (name :~ string?))
  (put! (name :~ string?)
        (data :~ u8vector?))
  (delete! (name :~ string?))
  (copy-to! (src :~ string?) (dest :~ string?))


(S3Bucket-get bucket object-name) -> u8vector

S3Bucket-get retrieves a object by name. If the object does not exist or the client does not have permission to retrieve the object, an S3Error is raised.


(S3Bucket-put! bucket object-name) -> void

S3Bucket-put! stores data in a object with the provided name. Any failures result in a S3Error being raised. All data is stored with content-type: "octet-stream" MIME type.


(S3Bucket-delete! bucket object-name) -> void

S3Bucket-delete! delete's an object with the provided name. If the object does not exist, an S3Error is raised.


(S3Bucket-copy-to! bucket src dest) -> void

S3Bucket-copy-to! performs server-side copy of object described by src. The src format is <bucket>/<objectname>. The dest is the same as if performing a put! and will store the object in the current S3Bucket. Copies must be within a region and otherwise possible to perform using the S3 client this bucket was created with. Any failures result in a S3Error being raised.


(S3Bucket-list-objects bucket) -> list : string

S3Bucket-list-objects enumerates all objects in the bucket, returning their names as strings.